Eating Fish Does This To Your Body!

Did you know that because it was typically eaten on days with religious significance, the word “halibut” actually translates to “holy flatfish”? Throughout many different parts of the world,fish has been regarded as a staple food for various different cultures throughout history. And for good reason as well: there are a number of positive health benefits you can hope to obtain from making fish a part of your regular diet,especially when compared to other sources of protein as well. So what makes fish so special? Today we’re going to take a deep dive into the ocean of health and nutrition info to discover just what makes fish so nutritious.We don’t mean to “fish” for compliments. Fish Provides A Rich Source of Nutrients.

1.Fish provides a good source of nutrients!

The first thing you should know about fish is that they come quite literally packed to the gills with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. For starters,fish of all kinds are a high source of protein,which helps keep you full to prevent accidental overeating and plays an essential role in the development of lean muscle.Fish can also be an excellent source of iodine,which is an essential mineral your body needs to maintain a healthy thyroid gland and regulate the hormones that it produces. Perhaps one of the most important nutrients that fish bring to the dinner table, however, is omega-3, an important fatty acid which plays a very important role in maintaining the functionality of both your body and your mind.A healthy serving of omega-3 in your day today diet will help significantly decrease the risk of certain diseases and other health conditions, so be sure to give fish a consideration in order to help curb these risks.
2. Fish May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease. 

As a leading cause of premature death worldwide, you no doubt want to do everything you canin order to lessen your chances of encountering heart disease related complications in your life such as heart attack and stroke. By eating as little as one decently sized serving of fish per week, you will be able to experience a greatly reduced risk of heart disease as well as the complications that most commonly accompany it. In fact, a study involving 40 thousand American men came to the conclusion that those who ate at least one serving of fish every week had their overall risk of heart disease lowered by up to 15 percent.If you’re interested in living a longer and healthier life free of heart disease,then our suggestion to you is this: go fish! 

3. Fish Can Improve Your Brain’s Health.

Brain function has a tendency to get slightly worse as we get older. While this is considered to be normal, there is also the possibility that it could potentially lead to other more serious conditions and illnesses that affect your cognitive abilities, such as Alzheimer’s disease for just one example. Fortunately, people who work a few servings of fish into their everyday diet experience an increased amount of gray matter tissue,which your brain uses to control and regulate both emotions as well as memory.People who regularly eat fish also experience a slower rate of mental decline, meaning that a fish enriched diet can also help protect you from neurodegenerative complications such as Alzheimer’s.I guess it’s true what they say: catch a man a fish and he’ll think for a day; teach a man to fish and he’ll think for the rest of his life… that is how the expression goes,right?

 4. Fish Can Help With Depression!

As far as mental illnesses go, depression is actually far more common than you might expect. Depression is commonly categorized by recognizable signs and symptoms such as prolonged feelings of sadness,abnormally decreased levels of energy or enthusiasm, and an inability or an unwillingness to participate in aspects of life and activities.The good news is that if you’re looking for something that can give you a slight edge against your depression, then fish once againhas got you covered: studies have indicated that people who eat fish regularly can expect to experience a slight boost to their mood and a reduction in depression related symptoms,and the nutrients found in fish have also been found to increase the effectiveness of anti depressants and other medications designed for treating mental illnesses. We’ve heard people use the expression “happy as a clam” before, but maybe it would be more appropriate if we began saying things like “happy as a fish” instead. 

5. Fish Can Protect You Against Diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, which means that it occurs when your immune system mistakes healthy tissues within your body as threats and attacks them. According to a number of very promising studies,the omega-3 content of fish oil is highly effective at reducing the risk of type 1 diabetes in children and can even help to prevent other forms of autoimmune diseases in adults as well. In addition to diabetes, it is also believed by nutrition researchers that a healthy intake of fish into your diet can potentially protect you against the effects of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, although the evidence supporting these claims is still spotty at best and in need of further study. 
If you were on the fence about whether or not fish deserves a spot at your dinner table,then hopefully this video was able to provide you with a little more insight on all of the health related benefits that fish can bring. For those of you who already incorporate fish into your diet, what are some of your favourite recipes and preparation techniques that you don’t mind sharing? 

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