4 weight loss mistakes -lose weight faster!

Hello Friends! Welcome to HealthyGurukul. So you are doing your exercises. You probably have tried various diets. But still the weight is not reducing. And you are now starting to think what actually am I doing wrong? Well, In this blog, I am going to share with you - 4 common reasons as to why you are not losing weight. 

  • Stop measuring your progress in Kgs and start measuring it in Cms.

Yes, Suppose you begin understanding and after a couple of days you tread on weighing scale and you see that you simply haven't reduced even one kg. Well, let that number not decide how well you're doing. Because they are chances that you have lost fat and at the same time you have put on some muscle. Instead you should take a measuring tape and see if your waistline has reduced. Also, you can check if your clothes are fitting you better. If yes then it is a great news for you as you have improved your body composition. Moreover, checking your weight on a weighing scale can fluctuate by the maximum amount as 2 kg during a day. This is because of the water retention and other factors. So, let that number not disturb you. 

  • Wrong Exercise!

One of the major mistakes that people make is that they are doing the wrong type of exercise. Most people think that doing cardiovascular exercise on a treadmill, running for long period of your time will help them reduce tons of weight. This is not true.Cardio training is great for heart health but it's not ideal for weight loss.An ideal fat loss workout would be a mixture of weight training and high intensity interval training.The best thing about weight training is that even after your workout is over, you will still be burning calories.This is known as afterburner effect. High intensity cardio is where you train your body sort of a sprinter and not sort of a marathoner . So you'll do half-hour of weight training followed by quarter-hour of high intensity cardio.This type of workout will assist you reduce weight 5 times faster than just running on a treadmill for long distances. 

  • Calories!

In order to reduce , an individual should consume calories but the upkeep calories. Everybody knows that. But what many people don’t know is that how many calories a particular food contains. And in this process they end up under estimating the calories that they have consumed. A study shows that people tend of under estimate the calories by as much as 50%. This is one among the main reasons why people fail to reduce .Now, completely understand that tracking every single calorie is extremely boring.It would be suggested you track your calories for just 10 days. In these 10 days, you will have a rough ideas to how many calories a particular food can contain. And it will help you throughout your life. It is not that difficult, is it?Taking this small step will assist you achieve great results. Doing weight loss isn't a 1 or two day process.It is a journey in itself. It demands you to vary your various eating habits. Now, if you suddenly subject yourself to a hardcore diet and begin understanding along side it, there are high chances that you simply get frustrated in between and stop the journey altogether.So, it is always better to take small steps. It would be suggested you to first lookout of your diet then choose exercise. 

  • Stop Junk!And start to take small steps.

First thing that you can do is stop eating junk food outside.Then you can reduce the portion size of your meals.Next, you can opt for healthy alternatives. For example, instead of white rice, start using brown rice.Once you start feeling comfortable about your diet, then you can take it to next level and start working out.So you should not overboard yourself with a lot of changes at one point of time.Make a small change.Get used to it.Then go for the next change. With every small step you take,your body will have a positive impact.And through these small changes,you will comfortably lose weight. Unfortunately, for many people the idea of a weight loss diet is starvation. People who skip their breakfast,lunch actually eat sort of a dinosaur in their dinner. Never make this mistake.This is simply because starvation is not sustainable. Nor is it healthy. Similarly, some people after understanding will take the freedom and pamper themselves with delicious food outside. This happens because they need put themselves into uncomfortable positions which aren't sustainable for long.One can easily reduce albeit he/she throughout the day. All you need to do is eat the right food in right quantities.Even if you take up some fad diet and execute it for 7 days and successfully lose 3 or 4 kgs. After you come to your normal diet, you're sure to gain weight again. And may be more. So, it is always better to set realistic goals and make your weight loss journey as comfortable as possible.So these were some common mistakes which people make in their weight loss journey. 

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