11 tips to lose weight faster.

In this blog, I am going to share with you 11 simple lifestyle changes that will help you reduce your belly fat faster.Incorporate these tips with your lifestyle with full attention,the great results will come,surely.  

1.Practice Drinking more water.

Practice drinking 3-4 litres of water everyday.It is important to stay hydrated when you are looking to reduce your belly fat. 
-Water flushes out toxins
-Improves your bowel movements
-keeps your metabolism up. 

Best time to drink water is early in the morning empty stomach.Make sure you make use of that time and drink 3-4 glasses of water in the morning.One thing to request you is that,please don’t drink water along with your meals or just before or after meals.This hinders with the digestion process and it is the last thing that you would need.

2.Eat raw vegetables. 

Now carrots,cucumbers,beetroots,cabbage,capsicum,onion,tomato these are the things that you can easily eat raw. 
Just sprinkle lemon juice on it and they are ready to go.Make sure you eat at least one serving of raw vegetables everyday.These are rich in antioxidants, fibres,vitamins,minerals which are very essential to cut the lower belly fat. 

3.Eat Nuts.

Eat one handful of nuts.Almonds, cashews, peanuts, walnuts these are great sources of healthy fat.Always remember that good fat cuts bad fat.So you have to eat one handful of these nuts everyday.Now,if you want to have these in one serving or two servings it is totally up to you.As far as almonds are concerned, you can soak them but please don’t remove the skin.It is rich in Vitamin E. 

4.Switch to low fat Dairy.

Next is switch to low fat dairy. Now dairy products are loaded with saturated fat. And saturated fat is one thing which you have to avoid if you are looking to cut down fat from your body.So make sure you buy low fat versions of milk,curd, paneer and other dairy products.As far as milk is concerned,toned,double toned and skimmed milk are very easily available in the market. Now, you can use this low fat milk to make paneer and curd at home. 

5.Say "NO" to junk.

Avoid junk food.Please remember that sugar and salt are your biggest opposers. And whatever junk food you eat loaded with salt or sugar. Where sugar is  empty calories.Salt, on the other hand, holds water in your body and makes you gain weight.So, if you are looking for fast results,you have to cut down that junk food out of your diet.
6.Use cooking sprays.

Now, zero calorie cooking sprays is very easily available in the market these days.Since long we have been using too much oil for cooking.When oil burns,it gets converted to bad fat And all we are intaking is bad calories.So using a cooking spray will reduce your daily oil intake significantly.The whole idea is to use as less oil for cooking as possible.Also instead of using refined oils, start using better oils like olive oil,coconut oil,flaxseed oil,mustard oil. 


Next is sleep. Now,it has been scientifically proved that sleeping well keeps your food cravings low and helps you in weight loss.So make sure you have a sound sleep of 7-8 hours every night.

8.Cut down carbs.

Next is you have to cut down carbohydrates.(Indian eating style is full of carbohydrates.) Now, we have been used to eating 4 chapatis per serving,big bowl of rice,bread, potatoes.Now,these are very high in carbohydrates.Our body does not utilise all these carbohydrates and all the excess carbohydrates gets stored as fat.Do you know that for one gram of carbohydrate that you eat, your body holds 3 grams of water.If you are serious about fat loss, you have to cut down on your daily carbs intake.Now, have you ever noticed that your body feels full for a longer period of time when you eat roti that when you eat rice.Well, this is because,we have been used to eating whole wheat roti and white rice.Where whole wheat roti is a whole grain,a complex carbohydrate.On the other white rice is a simple carbohydrate which is nothing but the refined version of brown rice.So make sure you switch to complex carbohydrates like whole wheat,brown rice,oats and other whole grains.Complex carbohydrates are high in nutrition and fibre.They slowly release the energy and keep you full for a longer period of time.

9.Increase Protein Intake.

Next is increase your protein intake. Now unfortunately in Indian lifestyle, protein is missing.Protein is an essential macro nutrient for the body which is responsible for the daily repair of the body, skin and hair health. Do you know that eating protein reduces your midnight food cravings or regular food cravings. 
Protein naturally has a complex structure that's why it reduces food cravings.So when we eat protein our body finds it a little difficult to break it down.As a result,our tummy feels full. 
Try eating egg whites in the morning and you will find that your body feels full for a longer period of time.And why just egg whites,chicken breast,fish,paneer, lentils,soybeans,soya chunks,pulses these are all great sources of protein and should be in your diet on a daily basis.
So next time when you have a meal, make sure it is low in carbohydrates and high in protein.


My last point is workout. Now, even if you apply these first 9 tips,you are bound to lose fat from your body.But to make the process faster, it is always better to workout. Now, to get the best possible result,your workout should consist of resistance and cardio training.It is ok if you do not want to join a gym for resistance training.You can do body weight training like push ups,pull ups and there are whole lot of body weight exercises that you can do at home.Now  girls should do weight training as it is very effective for weight loss.Please don’t worry that you will get bulky muscles.This won’t happen because your body does not have that much of testosterone to make you bulky. 

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